Prosser Scott Funeral Directors Perth
Enquiries Prosser Scott Funeral Directors Perth 9381 6133
24/7 a day
Prosser Scott Funeral Directors Perth
Prosser Scott Funeral Directors Perth


Please be aware that we are doing everything in our power to maintain our high standards of service for our community. Our goal is to be vigilant and wise, but not to panic.

For the safety of all we respectfully request that you advise us if you or the deceased

  • have travelled overseas in the past 14 days
  • been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19
  • you are experiencing fever, breathing difficulties, fatigue, a cough or sore throat

Transfers and arrangements will continue to be carried out in the normal manner; appropriate safety precautions will be taken. Please use your own pens for signing documents and attendance cards.

Service Numbers
Phase 3, 6th June 2020

Under the new provisions:
  • no more than 100 people can attend a funeral held indoors; or
  • no more than 300 people can attend a funeral outdoors.

Although the people who are needed to conduct the funeral, such as the funeral director and the funeral celebrant, are not generally included as part of these limits (due to the size of the chapels the funeral celebrant and conductor will be Included). Penalties apply if these limits are not followed.

All attendees are required to comply with physical distancing requirements (2 square metres per person).

It can be a difficult task to limit the number of attendees at the funeral of your loved one.

However, it is important to understand that these measures have been introduced to protect your health and well-being and to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.

Funeral Directors or those conducting the funeral are required to keep an attendance record of all attendees for (potential) contact tracing.

When arranging the venue, the facility must be able to accommodate the social distance and public gathering rules which require at least 2 square metres per person.

To ensure compliance with the social distancing, Prosser Scott and the MCB now advises that the following capacity limits will be in place in the following chapels as of Saturday 6th June 2020 – inclusive 2 staff.

Please note that the capacity of the lounges is less than the chapels

Karrakatta Cemetery
Norfolk Chapel - 100 people
Norfolk Lounge - 75 people
Brown Chapel - 65 people
Brown Lounge - 65 people
Dench Chapel - 30 people
Dench Lounge - 25 people
Fremantle Cemetery
East Chapel - 70 people
East Lounge - 40 people
West Chapel - 100 people
West Lounge - 75 people
Central Chapel - 10 people
Pinnaroo Cemetery
East Chapel – 90 people
East Lounge - 80 people
West Chapel - 100 people
West Lounge - 80 people
Prosser Scott
Fremantle combined
Chapel & Lounge - 37 people
Subiaco Chapel - 37 people
Subiaco Lounge - 24 people

Live Stream
We can Live Stream from our Chapels, Churches, Crematoriums and even the Graveside.

There are occasions when distance, health or other circumstances can stop some family and friends from attending a funeral to say goodbye and pay their respects.

Our online Funeral Live Streaming can provide a great alternative. Live Streaming a Funeral allows those who are unable to attend the opportunity to participate, say goodbye and watch the funeral for themselves in real time, over the internet from anywhere in the world.

We are using Tablets and Zoom Meetings to Live Steam the Services, meaning that we can literally Live Stream from any location, such as our Chapels, Churches and even the Graveside.

Streaming of the Service is also available at the Metropolitan

Ashes Collection – Appointments Only
Until further notice, an appointment will be needed for all ashes collections from the MCB Cemeteries. Clients can make an appointment to collect ashes by email or phone 1300 793 109.

Contact us for more information
08 9381 6133

Contact us for more information

08 9381 6133